
Modular designs are ideal for projects faced with challenging schedules, severe weather conditions, remote work locations, limited or environmentally sensitive footprints, or an insufficiently available skilled labor pool.

Divide and Conquer

In modular design, the components in industrial facilities are designed around the concept of shippable dimensions, and process and utility systems are divided into discrete sections or skids.

This way, a facility can be engineered, fabricated, shipped, set, and constructed with a minimum amount of field or “stick” build time on site.

Our engineering and design experts have logged over 1 million hours in designing, fabricating, and transporting modules for refineries, manufacturing facilities, and Alaska North Slope processing facilities, including Kenai and Kuparuk.

As a result of our extensive modular work, we have established relationships with several module fabricators and constructors and have delivered hundreds of high-quality projects on schedule and at reduced costs.

Our Modular Design Highlights

Largest Module – Process module 74 feet long, 16 feet wide, 14 feet tall, and weighing 184,000 lbs.

Heaviest Module Designed – Electrical module weighing in at 189,000 lbs.

Stackable and Packable Design Approach

-Modules joined side-to-side and end-to-end

-Stacked, multistory modules

-Modules with top-mounted equipment skids

Our Unique Projects

-Conceptual design for plug-in modular Green Hydrogen Electrolyzers

-929 truck loaded modules for a massive silicon chip manufacturing facility

-A large diameter tube trestle that was fabricated in Anacortes, WA and barged down to Bay Area for a wharf project.

Modular Design Benefits


– Significantly reduces project carbon footprint in fabrication and construction phases
– Reduces material waste
– Sources best-fit fabrication and supply base
– Increases project efficiencies and reduces schedule
– Balances community support goals during selection phase


– Standardizes equipment and configuration to minimize footprint and facilities
– Reduces cycle times and major equipment moves
– Provides equipment economy of scale
– Minimizes environmental impacts, life cycle costs, and site trips
– Supports testing and monitoring


– Improves on-site safety
– Reduces peak field staffing and labor (like start-up, installation, hook-up time, and rework time)
– Improves quality by using controlled shop fabrication
– Provides common field-wide construction templates
– Standardizes facilities for consistent performance and responses

Related projects

Flares Control Improvement
Sulfur Recovery and Tail Gas (STG) Unit
Gantry Crane Replacement Project
Calciner Waste Heat Recovery